On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 20:15 -0800, Patrick wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Brice Figureau wrote:
> > On 15/12/10 12:04, Patrick wrote:
> >> I'm looking for a way to run more than one puppetmaster on the same
> >> server under passenger.  Most of the puppet CPU load is waiting for
> >> the catalogs to compile.  This also seems to be mostly what takes
> >> large amounts of RAM.  I have storedconfigs on.
> > 
> > If you don't need the full storedconfigs, you can use
> thin_storedconfigs
> > for waaaay better performance.
> Thanks.  I'm actually doing that, and misspoke in the first post.
> >> Is there a better way to do this?  What I really want is for the
> >> cheap file requests to stop being blocked by the expensive catalog
> >> requests and keep the RAM usage low on the file serving processes.
> > 
> > You can use what I called file serving offloading:
> > http://www.masterzen.fr/2010/03/21/more-puppet-offloading/
> The file offloading is interesting.  So if I'm reading that right,
> that only makes a difference if some of the files are not in sync?

Actually yes, because the file content is sent only if the checksum
differs (and if you provision many new nodes at the same time, then it
can help). One solution would be to offload metadata computation to a
native nginx module (it's something easy to do once you know how to code
nginx module).

> My original error was that I didn't set:
> SSLProxyEngine on
> Now I'm just getting errors that say all requests are forbidden.  I
> assume this is because the puppetmaster isn't seeing the headers from
> apache that have the SSL information.

You must setup your file serving master exactly like your catalog (or
general) master.

Brice Figureau
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