Yes, that is what it does actually. The reason for need a new port for
pygame was partially because I just removed the dependency on pyobjc
completely, and let it use the system one.


Brian Fisher wrote:
> That sounds like great work, Noah
> I haven't tried to run it myself, but it looks like you've got a ports
> file for PyObjC 1.4 there - the system python on leopard should have
> PyObjC 2.0 built into it (looks like one could get source here:
> ), so I imagine there
> must be some way to get a pygame to run with PyObjC 2.0
> On Dec 12, 2007 9:28 PM, Noah Kantrowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Attached is a set of macports port files that will allow installing on
>> Leopard. The only weird thing you need to do is add the macports
>> site-packages folder to the sys.path for the system python 2.5. The
>> easiest way to do this is to add
>> /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/macports.pth containing the text
>> "/opt/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages". After that make sure to enable
>> the new ports (/opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf) and just `port
>> install py25-game`. I don't think I did anything else special, but if
>> nothing else this should be a running start.
>> --Noah
>> Nathan wrote:
>>> On Dec 12, 2007 8:39 PM, Brian Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I was wondering about all the Leopard support questions recently,
>>>> wouldn't the python 2.4 packages here:
>>>> all work on leopard?
>>> Not in the case of PyObjC.  The PyObjC people very bluntly told me
>>> that PyObjC isn't for Leopard, period.  I really don't know much more
>>> than that.
>>> I'm going to go ahead and take myself off this list.  Thanks for any
>>> help and hints people have given me over the years.  It appears that
>>> pygame-on-leopard is not a priority, and I've converted all my active
>>> projects to use pyglet (which I really like), and I'm having fun
>>> learning OpenGL as a side-benefit of that switch.  Later!
>>> ~ Nathan

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