On Dec 12, 2007 8:39 PM, Brian Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering about all the Leopard support questions recently,
> wouldn't the python 2.4 packages here:
>   http://pythonmac.org/packages/py24-fat/index.html
> all work on leopard?

Not in the case of PyObjC.  The PyObjC people very bluntly told me
that PyObjC isn't for Leopard, period.  I really don't know much more
than that.

I'm going to go ahead and take myself off this list.  Thanks for any
help and hints people have given me over the years.  It appears that
pygame-on-leopard is not a priority, and I've converted all my active
projects to use pyglet (which I really like), and I'm having fun
learning OpenGL as a side-benefit of that switch.  Later!

~ Nathan

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