I just upgraded my iMac to Leopard, and deleted my framework build of
python 2.4 so I could test out the packages here:

I installed this:

then this:

then this:

and my pygame projects all work perfectly. The PyObjC installer had no problems.

So as far as I can tell, the framework builds of python are a way that
pygame will install and work just fine on leopard.

...I know it's not the 2.5 system python (which would be perferable),
but Noah's macport fix on this list looks like it would achieve that.

On Dec 12, 2007 9:07 PM, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > wouldn't the python 2.4 packages here:
> >   http://pythonmac.org/packages/py24-fat/index.html
> > all work on leopard?
> Not in the case of PyObjC.  The PyObjC people very bluntly told me
> that PyObjC isn't for Leopard, period.  I really don't know much more
> than that.
This sounds like FUD to me - If somebody tried to install PyObjC for
the purposes of running pygame and ran into problems with it, I'm
curious to hear what those specific problems were.

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