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                   - taking the C++ out of game development.
                    - the web isn't just text and databases.
                         - taking the framework out of webs.

there is already another team working on a 'django' based remake of the
pygame website.
As mentioned here:
 and here:

we are also working on a new pygame.org website!  This email describes the
non-django teams effort.  A little competition is never bad, and each code
base should be still useful for other projects even if it doesn't get used
for pygame.org

May the best website win!

= **The Plan.** **=
* *=============**

*~ Stage one(1)*:
- rewrite current site in python using existing templates.
    - Using python, *pygame*, mysql, cherrypy, ffmpeg, sqlalchemy, pygments,
feedparser, lxml, and likely formencode/formalchemy/nicks formlib.
- incorporate small features from long standing todo list into the rewrite.
- start design of new website as we go.  Using moch ups, and design by Daniel
Jones <http://daniel.poweredbybees.com/> (portfolio link
http://daniel.poweredbybees.com/ <http://f0o.com/%7Edaniel/>), (illume)
Rene, (pymike), (akalias) Nicholas, and - getting feedback from community.
    - Daniel will send moch-ups to mailing list for review and crits.
    - use knowledge from redoing existing website in the design of the new

Development is just starting in svn:

A code layout something like this...




Will include the database (with all personal details removed) as sql.
sqllite for development, and mysql on the real server.  Since python comes
with sqllite, people won't need to set up mysql to make changes.

Including cherrypy, and sqlalchemy so people don't need to install them

It's the same layout used by many pygames especially skellington based
pyweek games.

*~ Stage two(2):*
- implement new features and design.
- open up to other developers.

Current todo list (as collected from pygame.org/wiki/todo):

   - feed(rss, atom) for wiki recent changes.
   - Menu to use alternating background colours - to make it easier to read.

   - Optional email notification on project change, including release and
   comment. A per user, per project option.
   - Nicer urls for projects. eg projects/512/zanthor/
   - detect tabs in code blocks, and convert to spaces. Either ask to
   convert to 4 or 8 spaces, or do some magic to figure out how many spaces.
   - Browsing projects in more ways. By ranking, by date.
   - Spotlight projects changeable from management area.
   - Fix website for looking ok in 800x600 resolution - the header does not
   scale down well.

*= Stage X: Making an API usable from the cmd line. =

The idea is to include this inside of pygame.  So that people can interact
with the community from inside their programs - using the pygame library.


Other ideas include:
- easy uploading/including of screencasts (eg, youtube videos of game play,
rather than static screenshots).
- making distributing games easier... provide tools to allow uploading
releases to other websites.

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           - now with colorful ascii art.

| We love♥ the real Django... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_Reinhardt
| http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=4A64BDBA5F9629AE

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