
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 9:18 AM, jug <j...@fantasymail.de> wrote:
> Hi,
>> The coding on the django based website started without discussion
>> finishing.  There was a discussion with some different view points, and you
>> just didn't seem to care and began the website, ignoring them anyway.  Then
>> I didn't have any option but to start a website myself.
> Well, there was no progress in discussion any more. And why do you have to
> start an own project when we start? Do you think Django is rubbish or why
> can't you just let us (keen students) do our project even if its not part of
> GSoC? Do you have to give proof of sth.? Do you have nothing better to do
> (like me :))?

I tried to talk with you, but you didn't listen, and went ahead on
your own.  You didn't respond to my email letting you know I'll be
working on an alternative project either.

Again, there were efforts on a new website before you started.  Phil
prepared the existing website source code to be released, and I have
been working on design and planning.

> I think, we've got to a pretty nice intermediate, so why do you have to
> start a competitive project instead of helping us with testing, design, Trac
> etc. so we get one "perfect" website that all back and not 2 good ones and
> so. has to decide who's work will be appreciated and who's not.

It's great that you've got your website going, however it's not the
direction I'm interested in.  It seems you've done a good job at it,
and it looks like it's going to turn into a very good website.

You just started working on your code, and didn't respond to my
concerns.  That's not the way to try and work together from my
perspective.  Perhaps if you'd waited, and we came to some sort of
agreement we could have worked together.

>> I told you in other threads I was making one, and that there had been a
>> plan to make one since January.  Again, neither you or jug responded.
>> http://groups.google.com/group/pygame-mirror-on-google-groups/browse_thread/thread/fedcce866a7725fc/e4dfb2854a5013a1?lnk=gst&q=website#e4dfb2854a5013a1
>> <http://groups.google.com/group/pygame-mirror-on-google-groups/browse_thread/thread/fedcce866a7725fc/e4dfb2854a5013a1?lnk=gst&q=website#e4dfb2854a5013a1>
> If it was so clear that you will write the website since January, why was it
> a point on GSoC list and why don't you have already started? (Would you
> write your own page even if it was a GSoC project? What's the difference
> now?)

The website projects were not selected for GSOC.  I don't control what
goes on that list, and I didn't put it there.  Anyone can place things
on that gsoc ideas list.

There was a start, as mentioned in the other emails I sent to you.

> And since we used the pygame svn repo at google and the at the beginning
> introduced webiste/Trac everyone could always notice what we were doing and
> we don't come back from nowhere surprisingly. We telled your our plans and
> did that thus far whereas it's a bit curious to me that you check in your
> competitive product just a few hours after our fist preview release.
> Julian

yes, and I told you a couple of times I'd be working on one too... weeks ago.

I also released the current website source to the mailing list weeks ago...

Anyone can work on whatever they want.  You do whatever you like, and
I'll work on a separate website project.

Each project can of course be used by other websites other than
pygame... there's thousands of open source projects out there who'd
like a good website.

There's also a lot of work which can be shared between the two... like
the mapping of the existing database that we've done... for migrating
old data over - and many other things.  Our website is likely to be
licenced LGPL like pygame... to keep it simple.  Using the licences of
the various other components we use.

Another reason to work on it is to learn - so as we make these
websites, we can learn about them.  So I'm not at all worried if our
(the non-django teams) website isn't used as the pygame website.

So far your website looks, and works better... our website-game just
returns 'lalala'.

I wish you well in your efforts.

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