On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:45 AM, orcun avsar <orc....@gmail.com> wrote:
> i think jug touched a good point. i first red marcus's or your message
> saying "we can start our gsoc projects even if we didn't selected" than when
> jug mailed to list. i decided to join. we never forced to do it. i wasn't
> thinking you will start to do it because it was on GSoC list and you were
> mentor and reviewed our proposals for that project.when i sent my proposal
> you seemed like you liked it. if you plan to do it, you shouldn't have let
> us spread our times for our gsoc proposals.


You did have a good proposal, however I suggested you submit a
different proposal.  I made that point repeatedly on the mailing list.
 We had many projects to select from - around 30 different proposals.
I'm sorry that you spent time on your proposal, or if the message
wasn't clear enough.  Different people were interested in different
projects, and proposals.  We tried our hardest to get as many of the
pygame proposals accepted as possible - and got the most out of any
python projects under the PSF.  Most other projects only got 1
accepted.  Unfortunately the whole proposal process wastes a lot of
peoples time... but not completely... as proposal writing is a good
skill to practice.

I didn't make the point that you can work on projects even if not
selected, and wasn't really comfortable with that point being made.
However, of course people can work on whatever they like.

You of course, are free to do whatever you like - including continuing
to work on your website.  Just because I'm working on one, doesn't
mean you can't too.

> sorry for little nervy behaviours.

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