On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:43 AM, orcun avsar <orc....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it because just you want to do it or you didn't liked current goings on
> of the django-based development. if you didn't liked development of django
> site you should point it out so it stops if general discussion is at same
> opinion. i think this is what behaviour should be. i never say it's a bad
> thing and you shouldn't do it because it's nice you want pygame.org become
> better and i'm not the one to decide on that but you. but there are points i
> didn't liked. people will give efforts on this projects and there is one
> goal at the end for the both teams. i don't join the idea "*each code base
> should be still useful for other projects even if it doesn't get used for
> pygame.org*".  it's not like developing a game.  team that loses won't
> reach into anything and all efforts they do will be ruined. i want to
> highlight again that i don't mean you shouldn't do it and i don't feel like
> we will win or lose. i'm just worried about one of the teams(not only us)
> efforts will be wasted and nobody said us we will compete when it was
> starting. excuse me but i also felt like some django hate on that message.


I never got a response from you, or jug when I talked about it a couple of
weeks ago here:

The coding on the django based website started without discussion
finishing.  There was a discussion with some different view points, and you
just didn't seem to care and began the website, ignoring them anyway.  Then
I didn't have any option but to start a website myself.

I told you in other threads I was making one, and that there had been a plan
to make one since January.  Again, neither you or jug responded.

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