On 12 May 2013 19:24, Kevin Locoh <rayman3...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been wondering how to best distribute a game made with Pygame on
> Linux. On Windows, cx_Freeze works very well, and I assume it would be just
> the same on Mac OS. But on Linux, it's perfectly useless because of the
> various distros I'd have to build the game for.

I'm a contributor to cx_Freeze, and I'm curious why it doesn't work for
you. You should be able to create a tarball that includes all of the
required libraries. Distros prefer all the dependencies packaged
separately, but if you want to distribute it yourself, making one big
package should work.

cx_Freeze does roughly the same job as PyInstaller, but it's compatible
with Python 3 (and PyInstaller isn't, last time I checked).


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