I realise I'm quite new to this list but I've been working with PyGTK
for a while now and would welcome peoples feedback on something. please
put me straight if I'm treading on toes, or reiterating an old

There have been several discussions on the list in the last few months
about trying to get PyGTK into the standard library, and whilst
attending europython recently I had an opportunity to steer
conversations in that direction with a lot of people to get a feel for
the (european at least) communities take on this, most of the people I
spoke to where non PyGTK folks, and the opinions seemed to be generally

there where however a few buts...

1. Documentation -

this is something that has been discussed on the list quite a few times
and actually I think the exsisting free docs are perfectly adequate it
seemed to mostly come from people who had tried PyGTK "back in the day"
(when I seem to remember there wasn't a lot of documentation)

2. Windows -

many people seemed surprised that GTK ran on windows at all and others
had been put of by all the various different ways of doing it, I have
been reading the [Installation Problems on Win32] thread that seems to
be raging on so I'll just add my two pence worth from what I've gathered
so far the python community at large and the maintainers of the standard
libraries would want a simple "drop it in" installer for the basic gtk
runtime (a la dropline).

3.Idle -

Actually most people seemed to be oblivious to Idle but I can see it
would have to be ported to GTK (almost re-written) and this is where I
come in, I've already been doing some stuff with a simple text editor
written in python and PyGTK and I have some time available so if no one
else wants the job I'll take it on, help would be appreciated or if
someone else wants the job (or has already started it), my help is

So is this something the PyGTK community wants to see happen? I for one
would love to see PyGTK in the standard distro, (Tk is sooooo long in
the tooth its untrue) and am willing to put in some work to see it
happen, so if its already happening put me to work!, if not could we
make it happen??

thanks for taking the time to read this


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