Le 07/01/2015 08:09, Raymond Hettinger a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I would like to propose Davin Potts as core developer to take on the
> responsibility for maintaining the multiprocessing package.
> I've been working with him on and off for over a year and found him to
> be highly skilled, thoughtful, and responsible.  He is willing to devote
> time to a much neglected part of the standard library (186 open issues).
>  He would be a valued member of the team.
> I would be happy to serve as his mentor for his early contributions.

Then let Davin contribute before proposing core developer access?
I think it is unusual to make core developer someone who's not known by
the community (unless he's known and I'm missing something :-)).

Note multiprocessing has received active maintenance by Richard until ~1
year ago.


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