On 01/10/2015 12:03 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

>>> Antoine and Victor argued that new developers should first
>>> show their skills by submitting patches to tickets, working
>>> with other core devs before getting the commit bit set.
>>> My suggestion was allowing new developers to start committing
>>> patches themselves before having worked on dozens of tickets
>>> using the usual patch approach.
>> What would that bring? Reverting commits or asking people to make post
>> hoc changes is much more bothersome than making pre-commit code reviews.
>> And I don't see how it's beneficial to ask developers to commit up front
>> while we're trying to promote a culture of code review, anyway.
> Sorry, that was not what I meant. There should still be code reviews.
> The point here is getting people to take responsibility.
> As core dev you do have responsibility. A contributor uploading
> a patch to a ticket can still rely on the final judgement of the
> core dev applying the patch, so there's less responsibility
> involved for the contributor.
> If the contributor gets to work as core dev early, the motivation
> and feeling for responsibility will change. That's main driver.

I think this is a good point.  We who already are committers might think
that it's not a big deal if the contributor has the commit bit or not,
since the patches are always going to be reviewed by the mentor and/or
others, but it certainly is a difference in feeling for them.

As far back as I can remember, we never had to remove someone's commit
privileges because they wreaked havoc.  That probably means that
a) people are decent and b) our timing of giving commit bits is very
much on the "safe" side.


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