On 09.01.2015 12:47, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 7 January 2015 at 20:22, Victor Stinner <victor.stin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If David didn't contribute before, I'm against giving him directly the
>> developer access. Different people repeat that you don't need to have
>> the developer access to contribute. Send patches, review patches,
>> comment issues, etc.
>> We rejected candidates who had many previous contributions, just
>> because they didn't contribute enough.
> That's not quite the guideline I personally use - for me, it's more
> about whether someone being able to commit their own patches is likely
> to be more efficient overall or not.
> If their patches are to a point where the only parts I'm handling are
> the mechanics of doing the commit (i.e. they're already up to speed on
> what makes for an appropriate change to the area under consideration),
> and I trust them to be appropriately cautious when branching out to
> other areas of the code base, then I'll propose granting them commit
> access and teaching them the additional steps involved in actually
> doing the commits and taking responsibility for them.
> The key is whether I feel that extra committer review step is still
> providing value commensurate with the additional time it takes, and
> that's something which varies on a case by case basis.

I'm with Nick here. The itertools module needs a new maintainer.
If Davin can be that maintainer, definitely +1 on adding him,
under the condition that Raymond provides some oversight in the
first few months.

BTW: How about having an "incubator" phase for new core devs ?
The new candidate will get commit rights for say 3 months and
after those 3 months, the mentor then suggests whether make
the status permanent or not.

As long as this is stated clearly from the beginning, I don't
think people will feel offended if they end up not receiving
the permanent status, and this will reduce the barrier for
entry a lot. Learning on the job is a rather common practice
in the industry these days :-)

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