M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> BTW: How about having an "incubator" phase for new core devs ?
> The new candidate will get commit rights for say 3 months and after those 3
> months, the mentor then suggests whether make the status permanent or not.
> As long as this is stated clearly from the beginning, I don't think people 
> will
> feel offended if they end up not receiving the permanent status, and this will
> reduce the barrier for entry a lot. Learning on the job is a rather common
> practice in the industry these days :-)

As someone who received commit rights based entirely (almost?) on willingness 
rather than contributions, I think this is a great idea. I certainly would not 
have been at all offended if I'd been told "don't touch anything apart from X 
and we'll reevaluate in three months." Being clear about it at the start is the 
important part - having a title like "probationary" or "provisional" makes that 
pretty easy. 

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