On Sat, 22 Oct 2005, Jim Gallacher wrote:

Just a note on updating src/include/mpversion.h. Should we be changing MPV_PATCH in svn trunk (and by extension MPV_STRING) to track the beta release patch level? In trunk we are still at MPV_PATCH 0, but in tags/release-3-2-2b we are at MPV_PATCH 2.

Hmm... It looks like you've set the version number in the tag. The tags should be completely static (i think there may be certain instances where you modify the tag but that's very rare). The version should have been set in the trunk, _then_ you create the tag.

Techincally the right way to solve this now is to merge the changes into the trunk, though I'll admit I've never done a merge with svn (yet). Another way is just to edit mpversion manually in the trunk ;)

While on the subject - didn't we have some experimental 3.3 stuff - is that in SVN, and if so, is it in the trunk, or do we have a branch for this?

Lastly, I agree, let's roll 3.2.3b ASAP.


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