Time for a __legacy__ package?

Kind regards,

On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 7:06 PM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Mar 2022 at 17:11, Christopher Barker <python...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > With the json package included, all they need to do is `import json`. If
> that wasn't there, they's look in PyPi for a JSON implementation, and find
> an absolutely astonishing number of options. I just did a search for "JSON"
> >  on PYPI, and it's HUGE -- most of them are for specialized JSON-using
> protocols of some sort. I was actually really surprised that couple I know
> about of the top of my head (ujson, orjson) are actually hard to find.
> >
> > "You can just pip install it" is really not a good solution.
> >
> > In fact, this is an example, I think, of where we should put some effort
> into making the included batteries better -- it's great to have a JSON lib
> built in, but it's too bad that it's not best-of-bread by pretty much any
> definition (speed, memory performance, flexibility) -- there are quite a
> few feature requests open for it -- it would be nice to actually implement
> some of those. (but yes, that's a lot of work that someone(s) would have to
> do)
> >
> > Back to the topic at hand, rather than remove urllib, maybe it could be
> made better -- an as-easy-to-use-as-requests package in the stdlib would be
> really great.
> I think that's where the mistake happens, though. Someone who needs
> "best of breed" is motivated (and likely knowledgeable enough) to make
> informed decisions about what's on PyPI. But someone who just wants to
> get the job done probably doesn't - and that's the audience for the
> stdlib. A stdlib module needs to be a good, reliable set of basic
> functionality that non-experts can use successfully. There can be
> better libraries on PyPI, but that doesn't mean the stdlib module is
> unnecessary, nor does it mean that the stdlib has to match the PyPI
> library feature for feature.
> So here, specifically, I'd rather see urlllib be the best urlllib it
> can be, and not demand that it turn into requests. Requests is there
> if people need/want it (as is httpx, and urllib3, and aiohttp). But
> urllib is for people who want to get a file from the web, and *not*
> have to deal with dependencies, 3rd party libraries, etc.
> The "batteries included" standard library and PyPI complement each
> other. Neither is redundant, and neither implies the other is
> unnecessary.
> Paul
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