> 1. What are the implications for PEP 384 (Stable ABI) if U-S is added?

I haven't studied U-S yet, but I'd hope that there might be no
implications. No basic API should change, and everything the JIT
compiler does should be well shielded from the object API (which PEP 384
deals with).

> 2. What effect does requiring C++ have on the embedded applications across the
>    set of platforms that Python is currently compatible on?

I think this depends on the operating system. On systems with a single
C++ compiler, integration should be easy. On Windows, it may be that
the C++ runtime of LLVM can be encapsulated so well that nothing of it
surfaces into Python, allowing, in theory, to include a CRT of a
different C++ compiler as well (and not requiring any C++ for the host

On systems with multiple C++ compilers (e.g. Solaris), thing may get
tricky, and it may be required to use the same C++ compiler throughout
the entire application. Building Python without JIT then might be the
best option.

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