Hey Glyph,

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Glyph Lefkowitz
<gl...@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
> It would be hard for me to put an exact number on what I would find 
> acceptable, but I was really hoping that we could get a *reduced* memory 
> footprint in the long term.
> My real concern here is not absolute memory usage, but usage for each 
> additional Python process on a system; even if Python supported fast, 
> GIL-free multithreading, I'd still prefer the additional isolation of 
> multiprocess concurrency.  As it currently stands, starting cores+1 Python 
> processes can start to really hurt, especially in many-core-low-RAM 
> environments like the Playstation 3.
> So, if memory usage went up by 20%, but per-interpreter overhead were 
> decreased by more than that, I'd personally be happy.

There's been a recent thread on our mailing list about a patch that
dramatically reduces the memory footprint of multiprocess concurrency
by separating reference counts from objects. We're looking at possibly
incorporating this work into Unladen Swallow, though I think it should
really go into upstream CPython first (since it's largely orthogonal
to the JIT work). You can see the thread here:

Collin Winter
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