
> If we have done any original work, it is by accident.


> The increased memory usage comes from a) LLVM code generation, analysis
> and optimization libraries; b) native code; c) memory usage issues or
> leaks in LLVM; d) data structures needed to optimize and generate
> machine code; e) as-yet uncategorized other sources.

Does the increase in memory occupation disappear when the JIT is disabled 
from the command-line?
Do you think LLVM might suffer from a lot of memory leaks?

> We seek guidance from the community on
> an acceptable level of increased memory usage.

I think a 10-20% increase would be acceptable.

> 32-bit; gcc 4.0.3
> +-------------+---------------+---------------+----------------------+ |
> Binary size | CPython 2.6.4 | CPython 3.1.1 | Unladen Swallow r988 |
> +=============+===============+===============+======================+ |
> Release     | 3.8M          | 4.0M          |  74M                 |
> +-------------+---------------+---------------+----------------------+ |

This is positively humongous. Is there any way to shrink these numbers 
dramatically (I'm talking about the release builds)? Large executables or 
libraries may make people anxious about the interpreter's memory 
efficiency; and they will be a nuisance in many situations (think making 
standalone app bundles using py2exe or py2app).

>   Unladen Swallow has enforced pre-commit reviews in our trunk, but we
>   realize this may lead to long review/checkin cycles in a
>   purely-volunteer organization. We would like a non-Google-affiliated
>   member of the CPython development team to review our work for
>   correctness and compatibility, but we realize this may not be possible
>   for every commit.

Probably not... Perhaps you could post the most critical patches on 
rietveld and ask for review there?
I suppose the patches will be quite large anyway, so most of them will 
remain unreviewed.

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