On 16 November 2016 at 13:55, Cory Benfield <c...@lukasa.co.uk> wrote:
>> If you have any idea about how we could reach more coders I’m all ears.
> Coders who need OIDC will go looking for it and will find their options. 
> Ultimately, a huge number of projects haven’t suffered from being outside the 
> standard library. Some of these are even replacements for Python’s included 
> batteries, which means they’re competing with the “just there” options users 
> already have.

I'm not a web developer as such, although I do write code that
consumes web services on occasion. I don't know what OIDC is, but I do
know, for example, that some services use OAuth. So I can imagine
being in a situation of saying "I want to get data from a web API xxx,
and it needs OAuth identification, how do I do that in Python?"
Typically, the API docs are in terms of something like Javascript,
with a browser UI, so don't help much for a command line script which
is the sort of thing I'd be writing. In that situation, a well-known,
easy to use module for OAuth in Python would be fantastic.

Agreed that it could as easily be on PyPI as in the stdlib, but
discoverability isn't as good with PyPI - I can scan the stdlib docs,
but for PyPI I'd end up scanning Google, and what I found that way was
oauthlib - I didn't see any mention of pyoidc. I can't comment on what
that implies, though. In my brief search though I didn't find any sort
of command line "Hello world" level example.

> It should be noted that I believe that Python’s standard library is already 
> too big, and has had a tendency in the past to expand into cases that were 
> not warranted.

I should also note that I rely heavily on the stdlib, and for a
non-trivial amount of the work I do (which is one-off scripts, not
full-blown applications) having to go outside the stdlib, other than
for a very few select modules, is a step change in complexity. So I'm
a fan of the "batteries included" approach.

I don't know whether OAuth is a sufficiently common requirement to
warrant going into the stdlib. My instinct is that if you're
integrating it into a web app, then there's no value in it being in
the stdlib as you'll already need 3rd party modules. If it's practical
to use OAuth from a simple Python script (say, to integrate with a web
API like github) then being in the stdlib could be a benefit. But how
many people write Python scripts that use/need OAuth? I've no feel for

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