> On 16 Nov 2016, at 14:53, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not a web developer as such, although I do write code that
> consumes web services on occasion. I don't know what OIDC is, but I do
> know, for example, that some services use OAuth. So I can imagine
> being in a situation of saying "I want to get data from a web API xxx,
> and it needs OAuth identification, how do I do that in Python?"
> Typically, the API docs are in terms of something like Javascript,
> with a browser UI, so don't help much for a command line script which
> is the sort of thing I'd be writing. In that situation, a well-known,
> easy to use module for OAuth in Python would be fantastic.
> Agreed that it could as easily be on PyPI as in the stdlib, but
> discoverability isn't as good with PyPI - I can scan the stdlib docs,
> but for PyPI I'd end up scanning Google, and what I found that way was
> oauthlib - I didn't see any mention of pyoidc. I can't comment on what
> that implies, though. In my brief search though I didn't find any sort
> of command line "Hello world" level example.

I think this is actually another great example of why we should resist attempts 
to add modules to the standard library without enormous caution. I think that 
fundamentally in most of these cases the audience on python-dev is not equipped 
to decide whether an implementation deserves to become a default battery. And 
this is a surprisingly good example case.

With all due respect to Roland, pyoidc is not the incumbent in the synchronous 
OAuth space: requests-oauthlib is. A quick Google search for “python oauth” 
turned up the following client libraries in my top 10 results: oauthlib 
(discarded because it’s a sans-IO implementation that recommends 
requests-oauthlib as a client), python-oauth2, requests-oauthlib, and Google’s 
OAuth 2 client library (discarded because it is bundled into the Google API 
client libraries module and so distorts my download counts below).

A quick query of the PyPI download database for the three months shows the 
following download counts for those modules:

- requests-oauthlib == 1,897,048
- oauth2 == 349,759
- pyoidc == 10,520

This is not intended to be chastening for Roland: all new modules start with 
low download counts. As the current lead maintainer of requests-oauthlib, let 
me say publicly and loudly that I’d love to have pyoidc replace 
requests-oauthlib. I *hate* requests-oauthlib. I maintain it literally only to 
prevent it falling into disrepair because it is extremely widely used. I would 
love a better library to come along so that we can sunset requests-oauthlib. I 
am entirely prepared to believe that Roland’s module is better than 
requests-oauthlib: it would be hard for it not to be.

However, *right now*, pyoidc does not have anything like a majority (or even a 
plurality) of mindshare amongst Python developers writing OAuth clients. So why 
should pyoidc be added to the standard library over the competing 
implementations? The only reason I can see to add it is if it is a better 
implementation than its competitors, and the python-dev community believe that 
developers using the competitor implementations would be better served using 
pyoidc instead. Is that the case? Do we have some objective measure of this?

Paul, you mentioned that discovery on PyPI is a problem: I don’t contest that 
at all. But I don’t think the solution to that problem is to jam modules into 
the standard library, and I think even less of that idea when there is no 
formal process available for python-dev to consider the implementations 
available for the standard library. Instead, I think we need a way to be able 
to ask the question: “what does the wider Python development community consider 
to be the gold standard for solving problem X?”. I do not think that adding 
modules to the standard library is the way to answer that question.

The TL;DR of this massive argument is: I think the community of people who 
actually use OAuth on a regular basis are better placed to judge what the 
best-in-class battery for OAuth is. What we need is a way to surface their 
collective opinions to people who don’t know what options are available, rather 
than to make commitments to long-term support of a module in the standard 

>> It should be noted that I believe that Python’s standard library is already 
>> too big, and has had a tendency in the past to expand into cases that were 
>> not warranted.
> I should also note that I rely heavily on the stdlib, and for a
> non-trivial amount of the work I do (which is one-off scripts, not
> full-blown applications) having to go outside the stdlib, other than
> for a very few select modules, is a step change in complexity. So I'm
> a fan of the "batteries included" approach.

I think this is the other problem that needs solving, and because I’m a 
full-time OSS developer with complete admin rights on my development and 
production targets I’m badly placed to solve it. What needs to be done to make 
it easier for people in your position to obtain non-included batteries? Can 
anything be done at all?

> I don't know whether OAuth is a sufficiently common requirement to
> warrant going into the stdlib. My instinct is that if you're
> integrating it into a web app, then there's no value in it being in
> the stdlib as you'll already need 3rd party modules. If it's practical
> to use OAuth from a simple Python script (say, to integrate with a web
> API like github) then being in the stdlib could be a benefit. But how
> many people write Python scripts that use/need OAuth? I've no feel for
> that.

Yeah, OAuth from Python scripts isn’t entirely uncommon. It’s mostly used to 
interact with third-party APIs, which usually use OAuth to allow for revocable 
and granular permissions grants to specific scripts.


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