On 17 November 2016 at 12:27, Cory Benfield <c...@lukasa.co.uk> wrote:
> This isn’t me disagreeing with you, just me pointing out that the fuzziness 
> around this makes me nervous. It has been my experience that a large number 
> of protocol implementations in the standard library are already struggling to 
> meet their maintenance goals, and I’d be pretty reluctant about wanting to 
> add to that burden.

The fuzziness is a clear and definite issue here. My perspective is
that this far, Python (specifically the core dev team[1]) has done a
good job of balancing that fuzziness. I don't expect this to ever be a
simple decision to make. All I ask is that we avoid countering a
complex decision process with an over-simple guideline (specifically,
that "things don't need to go into the stdlib because of pip/PyPI[2]).

Regardless of how things go in the long term, I think it's good to
keep the debates open in this area, and I appreciate your comments.
I'll certainly be thinking about my personal answers to the questions
you raised, and I expect I'll change at least some of my views as a


[1] Even though I'm a core dev, I view myself as a "normal user" in
this context, and take no personal credit for the scope of the stdlib.
[2] Ironically, I'm also a pip developer, so if I seem confused, I
claim the right to be :-)
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