> On 17 Nov 2016, at 13:42, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 November 2016 at 12:27, Cory Benfield <c...@lukasa.co.uk> wrote:
>> This isn’t me disagreeing with you, just me pointing out that the fuzziness 
>> around this makes me nervous. It has been my experience that a large number 
>> of protocol implementations in the standard library are already struggling 
>> to meet their maintenance goals, and I’d be pretty reluctant about wanting 
>> to add to that burden.
> Regardless of how things go in the long term, I think it's good to
> keep the debates open in this area, and I appreciate your comments.
> I'll certainly be thinking about my personal answers to the questions
> you raised, and I expect I'll change at least some of my views as a
> result.


For what it’s worth, I’ll almost always find myself on the “let’s not add it to 
the stdlib” side of that argument, but I’m entirely willing to lose those 
arguments. I think we’re best served by having voices on both sides of the 
debate who believe themselves to be right in the *general* case but are willing 
to treat each case on the merits. There are certainly lots of requests for 
addition to the stdlib I have no objection to: for example, data structure and 
algorithm implementations in the standard library almost always seem like 
no-brainers to me.

So I agree, I’m going to keep an eye on this space as we move forward, and for 
my part I promise to treat each case on the merits, despite my general belief 
of “small is beautiful”.

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