On May 10, 2020, at 00:11, Steve Barnes <gadgetst...@live.co.uk> wrote:
> What can be done?

I think there’s another option (in addition to improving SyntaxError, not 
instead of it):

Add a defancier module to the stdlib. It has functions that take some text and 
turn smart quotes into plain ASCII quotes, dashes and minuses into ASCII 
hyphens, etc., or just detect them and produce useful objects and/or text. And 
it’s a runnable module that can either lint or fix source code.

Then instead of telling people who get this SyntaxError “Use a proper editor, 
and all the code you wrote so far has to be rewritten or fixed manually, and 
that’ll show you”, we can tell them “Use a proper editor in the future, but 
meanwhile you can fix your existing script with `python -m defancier -f 

And a simple IDE or editor mode that doesn’t want to come up with something 
better could run defancier on SyntaxError or on open or whenever and show the 
output in a nice way and offer a single-click fix.

There’s nothing in the stdlib quite like this, but textwrap, tabnanny, 2to3, 
etc. are vaguely similar precedents.

And it seems like the kind of thing that will evolve on about the right scale 
for the stdlib—new problems to add to the list come up about once a decade, not 
every few months or anything.

The place I’d _really_ like this is Pythonista, which does an admirable job 
fighting iOS text input for me, but it’s not so helpful for fixing up pasted 
code. (And needless to say, I can’t just get a better editor/IDE; it’s by far 
the best option for the platform.)

(By the way, the reason I used -f rather than —fix is that I can’t figure out 
how to get the iPhone Mail.app to not replace double hyphens with an em-dash, 
or even how to fix it when it does. All of the other fancifier stuff can be 
worked around pretty easily, but apparently not that one…)

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