Well, this has a lot of strong opinions already! I didn't expect less :-)

I'm not sure how to answer so many thoughts without making this super-long.
I'll try to reply in general.

I agree that a compile-time python makes no sense, it would be a different
language and we would lose 90% of what Python actually is.
This is not what I was suggesting (sorry, I might not have been clear on my
first email). I'm talking about something similar to what Typescript is.
(mypy even when strict, is closer to what Typescript does than to C++/Rust)
But there must be a way to skip typing altogether, both in programs and
libraries. (It could also be by file extension... just suggesting more
stuff here)

When I said earlier in "compile time", I was just trying to refer to the
parsing step, or pre-parsing step. Or maybe means that "python a.py" =>
"mypy a.py && python a.py".
I'm being very ambiguous here on purpose because there are tons of ways to
do this and "how to do it" or the cons of a particular method aren't
something that I wanted to discuss, I just wanted to get a general idea of
where the community stands.

A lot of you are referring to scripting, learning, and other ways of using
Python that would be badly impacted. I already acknowledged that these
exist (or at least I didn't notice here any other that I wasn't aware), and
that's why I mentioned that there should be a way to avoid type-enforcing
for these scenarios. Maybe by flag, by Python version, file extension...
The method doesn't matter much at this moment.
If it were "easy" to continue writing the old programs without types,
what's the problem in trying to make types more popular?

And yes, types cannot cover everything. I guess this goes for any language,
but especially in Python it is really impossible to type everything. But as
Typescript has demonstrated (I think), having a bit of types is better than
no types at all.
MyPy is there for those that want to use it, of course; but needs to be
promoted (this one or different tool) and encouraged. Otherwise most python
libraries are just impossible to use with MyPy; and using Python without
libraries is quite limiting.

>> Exactly. I’ve been advocating for Python for decades — and I think that
>> static type checking catches lots of bugs, but they are usually shallow
>> bugs — that is most get caught the first time you try to ru the code
>> — or certainly if you have decent tests.
>That seems to be close to the opinion of Robert C Martin:

This is not true unless your testing covers every branch in every possible
state input. This also means that your unit testing in dynamic languages
needs to be way more extensive than in static languages; because static
checking gives you certain proofs of correctness that you don't need to
More importantly, it removes the burden of remembering to do those test
cases for those tricky scenarios. Overall, your tests will be shorter and
easier to maintain.

But I would say that even with extensive testing still will not cover all
bugs that static type checks can catch: static type checks also can cover
future bugs, not only present ones. A type check will prevent someone from
calling a function/method in unexpected ways. Because type checks serve to
define contracts, and 6 months later you might have forgot that the
function assumed certain constraints for the input.

> Another project you may want to look at is MyPyC [1], which is similar
> in concept but takes a different approach; it compiles type-annotated
> Python to CPython C extension code. MyPyC is much more mature and
> something you could easily try out today.
> [1] https://github.com/mypyc/mypyc

There you have it. I'm amazed that this is already a thing and the
discussion of "enforcing types" didn't happen up to now.
If MyPyC can compile to C and get a 4x performance boost, it means that
Python is leaving a 4x boost on the table. When creating the bytecode (old
*.pyc files) Python could create for some functions a second one that
internally doesn't use Python objects, for those cases where the types
actually match. And the GIL could be released (sometimes) during the
execution of those.
(It might look that the above statement is far too simplistic. But it
should be roughly true with lots of caveats.)

Anyway, I see that people are generally against what I'm suggesting. But on
the other hand I also see that there are projects that are working towards
faster python implementations via type-checking.

I now noticed that PyPI includes filters for typed packages; I didn't
recall this from 3 years ago. I wish they promoted typed ones a bit more,
but well, at least we can filter.

El vie, 10 dic 2021 a las 17:49, Peter Ludemann (<peter.ludem...@gmail.com>)

> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > > That seems to be close to the opinion of Robert C Martin:
> > http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2016/05/01/TypeWars.html
> > He also has some comments on languages like Koitlin and Swift that have
> > gone down that path of mandatory static typing:
> > http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2017/01/11/TheDarkPath.html
> Yet another example of "Uncle Bob" writing stuff that's "not even wrong".
> Of course, typing doesn't catch all bugs; but neither does Uncle Bob's
> testing-testing-testing. And never will. Programmers need all the help they
> can in catching bugs and also in understanding other people's code - and
> types are really helpful for that ... I can't count the number of hours
> I've spent at Google, figuring out how something works so that I can add
> some functionality - often by adding stuff like logging.info("Type of
> qqsv: %s", qqsv.__class_).
> (On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I think that mandatory typing would
> be fabulous (to paraphrase Brian Reid: "most people won't use types even
> when you threaten them"). On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, I meditate
> on how difficult it is to write types in Haskell, which is far easier for
> typing than Python. On Sundays, I go for a head-clearing walk in the park.)
> PS: For another example of "Uncle Bob" nonsense:
> https://groups.google.com/g/software-design-book/c/Kb5K3YcjIXw/m/qN8txMeOCAAJ
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