On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:16 AM, Rhodri James <rho...@kynesim.co.uk> wrote:
> On 16/07/18 20:58, Terry Reedy wrote:
>> On 7/16/2018 1:27 PM, Jim Lee wrote:
>>> 90% of the world *is* "beneath my notice" when it comes to programming
>>> for myself.   I really don't care if that's not PC enough for you.
>>> Had you actually read my words with *intent* rather than *reaction*, you
>>> would notice that I suggested the *option* of turning off Unicode.  I didn't
>>> say get *rid* of Unicode.  I didn't say make it *harder* to use Unicode.
>>> Once again - reaction rather than reading.
>>> Obviously, the most vocal representatives of the Python community are too
>>> sensitive about their language to enable rational discussion.
>> My empirical observation is that the more abrasive posters get rewarded
>> with more response, while my attempts to engage in rational discussion,
>> without ad hominems, gets less.
> I wouldn't disagree with you.  Fortunately Jim has pulled the "storming off
> in a huff rather than answer a question anyone actually asked" defence, so
> we can go back to debating about important things like how to spell
> assignment expressions.
> Oh wait... :-)

+1 QOTD.


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