While I quite enjoyed this thread and, especially considering the
recruiter's followup, it appears to have somewhat been in bad taste.

I can't speak for others, but I'm in my mid 30s and regularly confuse
license/licence, prescribe/proscribe and without doubt a bunch more,
either through finger memory or plain old thinko. It would not be
without embarrassment to have strangers publicly ridicule such errors,
especially in a professional context as occurred here.

This is a minor incident, but it's from a class where the underlying
insensitivity has forced other communities to grow a Code of Conduct,
therefore perhaps it's worth taking a little pause to reflect on it.


On Tue, Dec 06, 2016 at 01:57:00PM +0000, Nicholas H.Tollervey wrote:
> On 06/12/16 13:20, Roger Gammans wrote:
> > If your set of Prinicpia is Russell's not Newton's you may not
> > have simple values.
> Our principal aim is to express a complete and consistent set of
> misspelled principles.

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