Preston Landers <> wrote:

> You can run unzip on the official exe installer to get a directory structure
> that you can copy into your build.

I had no idea one could do that!  Thanks.

> The stuff is
> separated out in the arhcive, and does need to be run to enable all
> features.  Depending on what you're doing you might be able to skip all or
> most of it.

Most of it looks skippable, as I'm installing a "hidden" python.

> As far as the system DLLs, last time I checked they do have to
> be in the system32 directory (or the wow64 version.)  But I could be wrong -
> I didn't play with that very much. If it works without installing system
> DLLs I'd be curious to know.

Me, too.  I'm guessing you need to do this, to be able to have things
like windows services find them.  But I'd sure like confirmation of that.
I'm planning to incorporate what's necessary in the post-install for my

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