I do want 2.7 because it's a requirement at work.
I want to have the same versions & packages to avoid compatibility issues.

I can put Python2.7 in a different directory and leave 2.6 there but I want
the 2.7 installation
to be the default one.

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Bill Janssen <jans...@parc.com> wrote:

> Tony Cappellini <cappy2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > And- I want to update the default python that came om my macbook pro to
> 2.7.
> > Should I do install that from Python.org?
> My advice?  I've never had good luck trying to "update" the default
> Python that comes with the Mac.  I'd recommend just leaving it alone and
> using it, unless there's some reason you absolutely need 2.7.
> It is safe to build (and run) a non-Framework build of other versions of
> Python in various places on your Mac, but life gets complicated if you
> attempt to "install" it.
> Bill
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