Dave P writes:

> > My point is that I have to have an email contact on websites. This is
> > the spammers gain many email addresses. I use hotmail for this contact
> > detail because there is less of a spam problem. I then ask bona fide
> > to use my beeb.net address.
> You, Sir, are in need of this link...
> http://www.wbwip.com/wbw/emailencoder.html

The spammers will soon figure this one out (if they havent already - its too
regular). Good idea, though (for collecting email addresses ;)

Ive used the same idea to camouflage the mail address on my website, but hid
some of the tag too, as in <a href="&#109;ailto&#58;pj&#x40;witte.. etc to
confound all but the genuine programmer. So far I appear to have gotten away
with it..


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