+50% of my Spam recieved came from Hotmail, that's why the generic
hotmail.com and all its international variants is in my killfile, So your
mail may not  get through to it's intended recepients!!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "gwicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users]Decent ISPs

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Robert Newson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [ql-users]Decent ISPs
> > P Witte wrote:
> >
> > > Robert Newson writes:
> > >
> > >>>Im trying to get rid of my Tiscali account as Tiscali are obviously
> > >>>interested in my custom. Ive tried a few other ISPs, but they have so
> > >>>far not proved reliable or decent - apart from Freeserve, now Wanado.
> > >>>
> > >>You must have a different definition of decent than I do.  About 60%
> > >>the spam I get arrives from WANADOO.fr hosted sites.
> > >
> This is a strange thing to write about one of our favourite hates, but
> hotmail is virtually spam free. They have a special bulk mailings box from
> which only the headers are downloaded and then only on request. You can
> quickly look through these for genuine mail. This means very little spam
> actually gets through to your inbox. It is one of the reasons I keep a
> hotmail account and why this is the contact email address I use on my QL
> topic!) websites. If hotmail can do this, why can't others?
> Incidentally I have had numerous attacks by the W32.Netsky.P @ mm!enc
> over the last few days. This is a new variant so it's just as well to keep
> your virus software up to date,
> Best wishes,
> Geoff Wicks.
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