In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Robert Newson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Malcolm Cadman wrote:

I have found it worthwhile to have a :-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ( address )

Mine's [now] called "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". The only problem is that there is no filter available for my mail reader to filter on "Envelope-to:" - it would cut down the number of rules in my spam filter to 1.

OK ... you have already got it :-)

I use SMTP for mail/news not POP.

This is at my software end via the ISP's PoP.

You have your own mail server for inbound mail?

I intend, when I get the time, to set up fetchmail (or alternative) to get my inbound mail from my ISP's POP server which would then be filtered (auto-delete/redirect spam on "Envelope-to:") before being sent by SMTP to deliver across my LAN.

I could write a pre-fetchmail filter to process my POP to download the headers and delete spam before running fetchmail to download and distribute the rest [of my email].

With SMTP you get the 'lot', and can then apply filtering to it if you are able within the software, or write your own.

With POP you get the email for that particular address - which for many users is their only address anyway, so they don't really notice any difference. Many 'low cost' ISP's just provide the one email address, which is always via POP, and they even 'borrow' anothers' server through which they provide the service.

I experimented with 'SpamKiller' recently ... and that needs to be set up as receiving inbound mail by POP. Which caught me out for a while until I realised that I needed to change the setting from SMTP to POP.

However, the problem with POP is that it has to go through every address that you hold, one by one. I found this more time consuming with a dial-up account. So I abandoned 'SpamKiller'.

Although, the software itself is fine, and does what is says 'on the tin' :-) ... and no doubt it will evolve even further.

Very useful if you have only one or a few email addresses with a dial-up account, or if you have 'always-on' ADSL or similar, ( then you again will not notice ) ... and it is fun to set up filters to stop 'spam' getting through.

No doubt when there is good direct access from QDOS/SMSQ software to the Net all these things will come into play.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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