You only have 4 modes to work in effect:

I imagine this is due to hardware since, for the Q60 at any rate, the master chip has an entry for display which can only take 4 different values. I suppose it is the same for the Q40.

I have come to that conclusion. I was sure that, when I started using it there were more but it seems I was wrong. I do have a tendency to use a 1024 resolution because that allows the use of two QDs side by side. It was only when I started to write the article on resolutions that I realised there were no intermediate screen sizes between 512 x 256 and 1024 x 512.

I do have a second request for information for the second article in the series. This will deal with Hard drives and their uses. I have a series of questions :
1. when did the Rebel Hard drive come out and what was it?
2. When did the Falkenberg Interface come out ? Does anyone have a set of instructions for it they can scan in for me to quote in the article ?

I would also like information on how to format the hard drives for the various QL emulations. I can handle QPC2 / Qubide / Q40 (although I would like to know if there were any changes to the hard drive setup since D&D started with it) but I have no knowledge of the hard drive emulations on QLAY, UQLX etc. If anyone would like to contribute a section on hard drives for these to be included in the article send them to me. They will, of course, be credited for their contributions.
Roy Wood
Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030 fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501
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