Does anyone have any experience of installing QPC2 on a network server?

I'm in the process of writing a program which would be useful to all of us here 
at work. In order to demonstrate it, it might be useful to be able to install 
QPC2 demo on the server, so that we can all have a QPC2 icon on our desktop and 
QPC2 will fire up offering the option to run this program.

Presumably I'd have to configure it with the WINs etc set to the UNC paths to 
the relevant location on the server, but I'm not too worried about that. One 
WIN device can point to the QXL.WIN on the server holding the program, another 
can point to a local QXL.WIN on the user's machine for their own local files.

What advice I need really is how I should go about installing it on the server 
to save putting a copy on everyone's PC, that way each time I update the 
program I need only update the copy on one machine (or on the server more 
likely) for everyone to get the latest copy.

Although it's about QPC2, I'll understand if people prefer to reply off-list on 
this one. The only relevance to us would be the information being available if 
anyone else wants to do something similar with QPC2. If enough information 
comes my way, I might even write it up as an article for posterity.

Equally, if this is impractical (although I won't let Roy deter me by demanding 
I stay off the company server) then as long as I understand the reasons I'll 
leave well alone!

Of course, if it works here, the next step will be a small network at home 
between the wife's laptop and my PC, plus my son and step daughters when their 
computers want to join in! Then they'll find QPC2 imposed on them too!

Dilwyn Jones

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