Phoebus Dokos wrote:
> The one thing that I can tell you is that at least my QPC will not share a
> QXL.WIN file with another QPC (or uQLx - Q-emuLator for that matter).
> Although QPC will start normally, the second another application tries to
> use the QXL.WIN file, the first QPC will not have access to the QXL.WIN
> file until the sharing application ceases to operate.

Do a "WIN_REMV x", x being the drive number, on the PC that hosts the
.WIN file (it is automatically done if QPC detects that the .WIN is on
a remote server).

> In short that means that you cannot have one shared across the
> network.

Wrong. They can't access it at the same time (i.e. after
"OPEN#3,win1_boot" WIN1 is blocked for the other machine until you do
a "CLOSE#3"), but apart from that they can share it just fine.


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