----- Original Message ----- 
From: "hitchies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] waiting for QPC print - meanwhile

> Marcel wrote -
> "....For the record, if at all, the SPOOLON command should probably be
> issued before all the LPRINT statements..."
> ===============
> At some time (empirically based) I have annotated Stephen Morris' 1986
> "User's Reference Manual" p141 with -
>         - valid with 'dump' and 'lprint'
>        &
>        "..use before 'lprint' to printer if SPOOLON SCREEN has been used.
> Let me know Bill if you would like me to e-mail that page to you - it's
> quite short.
> Seasons' Greetings to all,
 Yes please John if it's no trouble

QPC print arrived today so I 'll see how it performs
 managed to get output to the printer thanks to Per just in time to find the 
ink runs out.
So as I was in Berwick today I thought I'd get a cartridge for the Epson 
(stylus 740) only to find it's not supported any more by Curries or Argos 
although I forgot about our branch of Red Shark, not sure about it as I 
think they went belly up.
Anyway I came away with an HP printer from Argos for £19.99 ( spare black 
cartridge  at £14.99 ) has the world gone mad - yes I think so.
got it set up and printing and guess what - yep archive trips up again, 
seems it is the USB port that it doesn't like as I had the Epson going 
connected to both USB and Par ( LPT1).

So tonight I'll try QPC print - oh what fun

All the best - Bill 

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