Marcel Kilgus a écrit :
> Jerome Vernet (Orange) wrote:
>>> What's the contents of your .config file
>> CC = gcc
> What does the "vmtest" application (should also be in the uqlx
> directory) say?
vmtest say 'bus error' ;)

I try some of the switch, USE_VM,.... without success (buil failed with 
error in this case).

I know that someone have successfullt build an old version of uqlx for 
Mac, I have his build, not the sources or Makefile/config file. But, on 
MacOs 10.3.9 or 10.4, his build hang... He said that he will send me his 
sources, but never get them. His web site was down for a while 

We may be not very far to have a working uqlx build for mac, but need to 
refresh the screen a little bit more friendly....

> Marcel
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