In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rick Chagouri-Brindle 

>> It is ICT because it is Information Technology across the curriculum,
>> not just learning IT systems.
>> We use applications that have a purpose, to produce work ... like
>> PhotoShop and PageMaker in Graphics.
>> At present the software investment in programming is being put into PC
>> Applications.
>Fair enough.  Do you teach ICT then? Snap, although I am a part-time
>lecturer on loan from business!!! At the local college at which I teach
>they insist on calling it Information Communications Technology . . .
>hence the ICT. However, the function of ICT in a educational environment
>is no different from IT in a business environment . . . they are both
>using technology to achieve a purpose.

I teach Technology, in a secondary school.

I hate all these pseudo titles, that come and go ...

We just use the hardware and software to help achieve project work.

Not forgetting, that there is just as much value in hand skills too.

>I have no problem with software investment going into PC applications.
>What I find disappointing is that in many schools/colleges it is purely
>a Microsoft environment and that students have no concept of the history
>and development of ICT.  That, in my view, is a real shame.  Even in
>programming, the concentration seems to be totally on Visual Basic -
>with all the bad habits that gives us - without considering the huge
>variety of better cross-platform languages.  Oh well, that's life, I guess!

Yes it is boring, but the way it is at present.

My school has a Humanities specialist grant, that gives us even more M$ 
products, as a part of the deal.

>>> One of the most interesting comments was how "cool" the QL  looked . . .
>>> it seems that well-designed retro is in!!!!
>> Yes, the industrial design for Sinclair was "cool" at the time, and won
>> many awards.  It still remains cool.

Malcolm Cadman
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