The email from Nasta was dated December 2006.

The etherIDE would be a good project - the main problem would most  
definitely be the lack of a TCP/IP stack and drivers.
Alas Peter Graf knows how to implement this, but cannot see eye to eye on  
the SMSQ/e licence - perhaps it is a language problem, as I do not see  
what the actual problem is with the need to include open source code in  
the operating system.

The only charges now made for smsq/e are equivalent in many ways to the  
charges made for copies of Linux and limitations on the distribution of  
that, yet I do not see arguments over the various Linux distributions  

Maybe something on the free GPL licence that is stopping Peter from  
thinking he can distribute his work is beyond me. After all, Red Hat Linux  
is not free, does not come complete with sources and tools to let you  
compile it, yet people are happy to write free software under the GPL  
licence for it and new items, which can be incorporated into Red Hat.  Yes  
I understand that the distributors charge for support - but come on, does  
the end user see any real difference between paying £x00 for Red Hat  
Linux, and paying £x0 for smsq/e?  Both have readily available sources  
which can be downloaded and compiled, IF you have the right tools.

Oh well, we have all been down this path before and it is a dead end that  
leads to arguments over the differences in the licence and whether someone  
can work under one licence or another.  Peter wants a free o/s - is there  
actually anything to stop him from taking the existing sources of smsq/e,  
repackaging them, rewriting them and selling them or giving them away as  
compiled binaries called Graf/e ?  Not that I see, just so long as he does  
not want them to be part of the official smsq/e package.

Oh well best take cover before I upset the whole community all over  
again.  I do not understand all the arguments and don't have time or the  
inclination to research the problem / solution especially as it is not  
going to help my position as a trader.


On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 18:38:47 -0000, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In a message dated 19/02/2007 08:20:15 GMT Standard Time,
>> Ah -  I do have an email here from Nasta about the Ultra Gold Card   
>> project:
> It is a pity that these projects especially GoldFire have stalled. When
> exactly did you have the email from Nasta. Is his present situation the  
> same? Is
> there anything this list can do. I could help with a business case but  
> know
> nothing about programming hardware.
> He seems to indicate that the "EtherIDE. It incorporates some of the
> features of the Qubide II as well as  the ethernet network hardware  
> from  the GF" is
> almost there but only needs funds for the PCB. If this is the case I  am
> willing to help write the business case a suggested by the Quanta   
> Treasurer.
> Duncan
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> QL-Users Mailing List

Rich Mellor
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