Malcolm Cadman wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, gwicks 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

> I do not like "punter" either ... as it also reminds me of those 
> phone-in Shows on TV, where the supposed prizes have already been 
> assigned.

> Why not enthusiasts ( much more positive ) or visitors ( quite neutral ) 
> ... ?

>>I have been severely rebuked by a gentleman who wishes to be known as 
>>an "attendee" at the Birmingham Workshop. He assures me that his 
>>nautical ambitions are zero and that he has never been on a punt in his 

>>This is a serious matter. Over the years the term "punter" has been 
>>used for the non-traders, non-Quanta committee members who attend 
>>workshops. It does have derogatory connotations, but I find "attendee" 
>>far to formal a word.

>>Can anyone suggest a better word than "punter", but no so formal as 

>>Best Wishes,


Frank and I used to call them, the general public, as a distinction for 
those who were on the 'other side of the tables'  :-)

For once we too were among the mingling masses jostling elbows side by 
side with the eager horde gazing and lusting for goods and services to 
feed our newly discovered computing interests.

Paul Holmgren
2 57 300-C's in Indy
Hoosier Corps L#6
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