I have been severely rebuked by a gentleman who wishes to be known as an 
"attendee" at the Birmingham Workshop. He assures me that his nautical 
ambitions are zero and that he has never been on a punt in his life.

Pity he is not a reader of this list, nor of dictionaries it would seem.

There is nothing nautical about a punt, dangerous on the briny.

This is a serious matter. Over the years the term "punter" has been used 
for the non-traders, non-Quanta committee members who attend workshops. It 
does have derogatory connotations, but I find "attendee" far to formal a word.

If there is anything deprecatory about the term it is of the traders, 
suggesting as it does that anything on offer is a bit wager, will it work 
or not.

At 14:16 08/10/2007 +0100, you wrote:
>An important part of the planning of QL is 21 was a "lady's programme". On
>the website I wanted to use the term "partner programme", which I felt was
>the better modern usage. JM objected to this. Sarah Gilpin held us
>figuratively apart and tactfully suggested "guest programme", which is what
>we used,

Suggests to me she or the guest of indeterminate gender was on their own, a 
game of patience perhaps ?

Or was "partner programme" a dating game ?

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