In message <>, Tony Firshman <> writes
Malcolm Cadman wrote, On 3/09/09 21:34:
In message <9933d6f1bbfb40ae82bea841c0692...@dilwyn3hkh9x94>, Dilwyn Jones <> writes

Hi Dilwyn,

You are still quite a prolific programmer for the QL ... :-)

I think we all spent hours and hours with programme listings in the various magazines.

Indeed. I used the Chas Dillon archive file rescuer program in the very last bumper QL User. They used up all their filed material, and apparently, according to Chas, did not pay for it. His program was full of typos, and plain wrong coding. I did though finally get it working. However my archive programs had to move to PC Xchange for index size reasons. This was of course still Psion based, and the file corruptions continued. All these problems stopped with Arcplus - a terrific clone endorsed by Psion. I still use it under a DOS emulator (DosBox) under Mac OS X. It runs all my business databases after 24 years, and I am still finding bugs (8-)#

Not surprising ... once you have found software that "does it", you tend to stick with it.

I still use a version of Pipedream for spreadsheet work on an old RISCOS Archimedes - because it does want I want so easily.

Although I am forced to use Excel on PC's to be compatible with work, etc.

I have kept all of my Sinclair / QL magazines, yet have gradually disgarded or passed on the many PC titles that have been available over the years.

I guess someone must have kept a massive collection of computer magazines ... :-)

These days I am only sometimes tempted with a PC magazine that has a good DVD of software or a particularly useful article or two.

Most of the DVD's are now also using a web page based format too.

If you read the last PCW editor's web blog you will see this is *precisely* why it died. Once they offered the *free* DVD they couldn't stop it, and it ate their reducing profit.


Yes, exactly ... effectively another media has become very popular with the "free" magazine DVD's - even though the purchase price of the magazines has risen considerably too, in recent years..

Malcolm Cadman
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