Dave Park wrote, on 21/Feb/11 19:45 | Feb21:
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 1:40 PM, JJ Ruiz<jjruiz_r...@yahoo.es>  wrote:

I would get one to connect an Aurora and a Gold Card, powering them through
the backplane.

The 9V line, will carry 9V? or 5V? or it will be selectable? or it will be
selectable by each expansion connector?

ATX v2 PSUs supply +5V and +/i12V. It is perfectly possible to supply +9V
from a +12V line using a 7809... Depending on the current requirement, this
could supply up to 2 amps, but would generate a fair amount of heat. For
smaller values like 500mA it wouldn't generate much or need a heatsink.

Is the 9V for serial? Or to feed 5V cards that have a 7805 regulator?
The latter.
I simply solder a two pin plug across the outer pins of the expansion card 7805 and us an HD style jumper - and a BIG label saying "Check 9v!". Mind you it is amazing how long an SGC will survive (8-)# It took a little while to recover, but has worked fine ever since.

BTW SGC has an external connector for 5V power. I have solder jumpered *all* of mine. The through contact when not used was very dodgy indeed, especially once the socket had been used.

The best and most stable solution with the QL motherboard is to jumper all cards, and to connect the 5V to the 9V rail on the QL motherboard.


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