In message <>, Tony Firshman <> writes

Malcolm Cadman wrote, on 21/Feb/11 21:34 | Feb21:

Hi Dave,

Is it an Mplane that was used in the AT cased version of a QL?
Any backplane is possible.

At the London QL Group we are repairing an AT QL system for a QL User.

The back plane seems to allow connections to work themselves loose, over
time, or with any sudden movements.

If you can add it a simple locking system for cards to the plane, then
that would be a useful enhancement.

That won't be Mplane. Mplane is a wide thin card, and both the large items (motherboard and expansion card) are screw fixed. Only an item like qubide will sit unfixed by default, but it is possible also to fix that with suitable posts.

I think you probably have a Qplane, with all the extensions vertically from the motherboard.

Have a look at:


Hi Tony,

Yes, definitely not an Mplane, having looked at the photo on your web site most likely a Qplane.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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