In message <>, Dave Park <> writes

Hi all,

After a bit of back and forth, it looks like I will be assembling the
remaining stock of Tony Firshman's Mplane. If it happens, they will be
available in about 2-3 months. For those that don't remember, the MPlane
offers 3 expansion ports and has a 4-pin power connector to take power from
a standard AT power supply. It also has a ROM port. This design is great for
fitting in smaller cases because it folds back on the QL in a very slimline

However, AT cases and power supplies are not the easiest to find, and don't
have the best form factors any more. There are some interesting slimline and
lightweight ATX cases available.

I have been asked if it would be possible to do an ATX version or adaptor
for this type of backplane. This came up in 2002-3 too, so the need must be
even stronger now.

My thinking is that many might like this within the QL community, and it
would certainly be useful in many other applications so we can have our
parts subsidised by wider sales - as with the battery adaptor PCB.

Is there much interest in this?


Hi Dave,

Is it an Mplane that was used in the AT cased version of a QL?

At the London QL Group we are repairing an AT QL system for a QL User.

The back plane seems to allow connections to work themselves loose, over time, or with any sudden movements.

If you can add it a simple locking system for cards to the plane, then that would be a useful enhancement.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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