En/Je/On 2012-02-23 10:40, Stephen Usher escribió / skribis / wrote :
> need for a modern equivalent to the old home computer systems and
> the BASIC language which came on them.
> On the home computer front, 
> On the scientific front, 

I forgot to mention the SpecBAS project by Paul Dunn (http://specbas.co.uk).
It's a BASIC interpreter based on the old ZX Spectrum's BASIC, but much
improved, more powerful and multiplatform. It is still alpha but looks quite
promising. I think it soon will suit the needs you mention.

There are binary packages for Windows, Linux (Intel) and the Pandora's
Ångström (http://openpandora.org). It's written in Free Pascal and it's open
source, so it can be compiled for other platforms as well.

In fact I'm considering SpecBAS as an alternative to SBASIC for a couple of
game projects under development. The source code conversion would not be
difficult, and the benefits would be remarkable: wider audience; easier
programming of sounds and graphics; and the chance to be able to contribute to
an open and evolving project. 

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