Dear Wolfgang

Regardless of how disappointed you are on the resulting speed I think you have done a great job in producing a java emulation for the QL. At very least it makes it easier for people to try the QL.

The java emulations are going to be slow because the Java virtual machine is slow and effectively you are running a virtual machine in a virtual machine.

As the java machine has a built in garbage collector timings are going to be erratic as the whole java machine suddenly stop while it does the garbage collection.

Would it be possible to increase the speed of the emulation if the keyboard was only checked as often in time as the standard QL does? Could this also be done for the display?

As for two core machine the increase in speed over a single core machine is very dependent on how many tasks are running and whether it is possible to allocate a single core to the java machine. The increase in speed of multi processor machines or array of machines is only really produced when you can split the problem into many independent parts such mandlebrot programes or weather simulations.

So carry on the good work and bask the glory having done it.

John Sadler

On 2013-01-26 17:42, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

Hmm, the enormous speed differences (w/r to QPC) baffle me.

Here, QPC is about 8-10 times faster, but that's it (which is still a
great lot faster!).

Apparently, a (single core?) Celeron really slows SMSQmulator down.

If I had had those "speeds" when developing - SMSQmulator wouldn't
have seen the light of day.


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