is a device which can read a Qubide format hard disk. I
think some people had used flash memory cards in Qubide QL systems, as
at one time there were IDE interface memory card readers. Provides a
means of getting large numbers of files to the emulator from a "real"
QL, rather than have to create dozens of QL disk images.

I'm a bit daft right now, but how would that work?
(1) Qubide hard disk drive - the drive itself would be physically connected to the PC to transfer files from Qubide format to the SMSQmulator environment (hence why I mentioned read-only - I can't see many users wanting to move files back the opposite way).

Use the rebel interface with a memory card and then plug that card into a PC?
Yes, but...

What would a "dir" from a PC find on that? One large container file? Many small files? Nothing?
I was afraid you'd ask that. I don't know the file structure on a Qubide hard disk or memory card.

If, as I fear, a dir would show nothing (oerhaps because the PC thinks that the card isn't even formatted) then there practically no chance that I'd touch that. I'm not sure I could even if I wanted to - I don't think I have raw access to devices from within Java, I can only get access to files, which supposes a valid file system.

So don't hold your breath...
After I wrote the first email, I thought about this and came up with the same conclusions as you. It was a wild idea not properly thought through, sorry.

There is of course the software written by Thierry Godefroy and Duncan Neithercutt (I think they were called Atapi-IDE and QCDEZE) which (again I haven't givent his serious thought) might offer another way around this to anyone who really needs to transfer files from Qubide to other systems.

Oops I've been typing "Wolfgang" in error for years it would appear... ;-)

Dilwyn Jones

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