On 20 Mar 2013, at 16:02, Geoff Wicks wrote:

> So let's move on to another problem that everyone has dodged so far.
> Where are the writers going to come from?
> One of the reasons QL Today is closing down is that we did not have 
> sufficient writers to ensure its long term future.
> We were fortunately to have some very loyal writers but they were too few in 
> number. I only had to lose one writer for me to be in serious editorial 
> difficulties.
> The Quanta Magazine is in a less favourable position with only two permanent 
> writers, the editor and the news editor. If I assassinate Dilwyn tonight who 
> will fill the next Quanta Magazine?

Until recently the date for receiving copy was consistently earlier than the 
date the magazine reached me so I rather gave up trying to write for QUANTA.

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