On Sun, October 20, 2013 9:22 am, Geoff Wicks wrote:
> So let's try picking up the pieces and seeing what could be done.
> 1: The idea of the Computer Museum would be great, but it is too
> expensive. Probably the best bet would be a one day event in a hotel
> function room. That would solve any catering problems.  (But we should
> check on their hygiene ratings. The Allesley scores a 2/5 and the much
> vaunted Pond Quay habitually a 1/5).
> 2: The event could be combined with the Quanta AGM, but it would not be
> necessary. Provided it is held in Manchester Quanta can easily organise
> an AGM without a show. A event later than April would give us more
> planning time.
> 3: We would need to think about a program with something more than an
> exhibition. One thing I would like to see is getting some of the movers
> and shakers together to discuss how we should handle the post-QL Today
> world. Also we should bear in mind the possibility of Quanta being wound
> up. I think this could be a possibility in 2015.
> 4: Let's not get too hung up about a low attendance. It will be what
> happens at the show more than numbers attending that will be important.
> 5: I don't think it is unreasonable to ask for Quanta funding up to
> £1,000. After all they still had £7,869 in the bank at the end of 2012.
> And recently that have been willing to spend £692 on a non-functioning
> website.

Just a few comments from me...

I don't think the computer museum is too expensive - £1000 was a quote for
a 2 day event - if you want discussions, then you need 2 rooms ideally, so
that you can attract traders to fill the one room whilst talks happen in

I did contact quite a few venues, but they said that they either did not
have a big enough room, or they quoted a lot more than that - the cheapest
I found around here wanted £500 for the Saturday, but £1500 for a Sunday!

The benefit of opening the event to the wider Sinclair community would be
that it would attract non-QL users, and mean that Quanta would not have to
pay the total cost of the event!

The Spectrum is 30 event held at Cambridge University in 2012 attracted
about 200 people on the day but the organiser made a loss due to the cost
of that venue.

My idea was to sell tickets for £10-£15 each for the weekend - and Quanta
could pay for anyone who turned up and prove that they were a Quanta
member (probably a maximum of 20 people).

I agree that we need to attract shakers and movers - but that is why it is
no good deciding 2 / 3 months ahead of the event.

Behind the scenes, I had actually spoken with some people who were
interested including ones who would be willing to donate an item to
auction off on the day for charity.

If a new QL-SD interface were also available for purchase on the day and
some new software available to show off, this would really help make the
show successful and attract people.


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